As part of Threadfest 2014, Golden Cabinet are working with Fuse Art Space and are proud to announce a day of experimental, improvised and otherwise exploratory music featuring acts from around the world and representing a diverse and stimulating slice of the modern musical landscape. We’ll be bringing six terrifyingly good live acts and numerous DJs to Bradford city centre for a day of the finest new music around.
Robert Millis
Robert Millis is a founding member of Climax Golden Twins and AFCGT, a solo artist and a frequent contributor to the Sublime Frequencies label. He has scored long and short films, created sound installations, produced and designed audio projects, and released many LPs and CDs. His work veers haphazardly between sound art, music concrete, instrumental, improv, field recording, song and collage. During 2012 and 2013 he was a Senior Fulbright Research Scholar in India studying Indian music, sound art and the early recording industry.
Philip Jeck
Philip Jeck studied visual art at Dartington College of Arts. He started working with record players and electronics in the early ’80′s and has made soundtracks and toured with many dance and theatre companies as well as his solo concert work. His best kown work “Vinyl Requiem” (with Lol Sargent): a performance for 180 ’50′s/’60′s record players won Time Out Performance Award for 1993. He has also over the last few years returned to visual art making installations using from 6 to 80 record players including “Off The Record” for Sonic Boom at The Hayward Gallery, London [2000]. In 2010 Philip won The Paul Hamlyn Foundation Composers Award.
Philip Jeck works with old records and record players salvaged from junk shops turning them to his own purposes. He really does play them as musical instruments, creating an intensely personal language that evolves with each added part of a record. Philip Jeck makes geniunely moving and transfixing music, where we hear the art not the gimmick.
Basic House
Basic House is the intrepid solo project of Opal Tapes label honcho Stephen Bishop. His deconstructed rhythmic noise workouts are dense, complex, textural and undeniably original, taking existing electronic music paradigms and running them through degradation processes to form new models of rhythmic music.
“Like any good and properly *new* music, Basic House is breaking down convention and rebuilding new forms with each subsequent release…”(Boomkat)
“Front-to-back otherwordly insanity” (Brainwashed)
“Bishop bends and edits parts together with care that belies their aggression. The results feel very much alive; primal, but with the beginnings of emotional understanding. It’s a brilliant experience.” (Fact Magazine)
Lee Patterson
Lee Patterson builds his own instruments, whose small sounds are amplified to produce an astonishing range of sonic textures. He has played and collaborated with musicians from all over the world including Vanessa Rossetto, Luke Fowler, David Toop, Sachiko M and Radu Malfatti.
Dean McPhee
Dean McPhee is a self taught solo electric guitarist who lives in West Yorkshire, UK. His influences include British Folk, Dub, Krautrock, Post Rock, Moroccan Trance and Modal Jazz. Since he began playing live as a solo guitarist in 2007 Dean has played across the UK and in Europe and has played with such luminaries as Emeralds, Thurston Moore, The Magic Band, Acid Mothers Temple, Michael Chapman, Charalambides, Josephine Foster, Michael Hurley, Aidan Baker, Tall Firs, Josh T. Pearson, Wolf People, Vibracathedral Orchestra, Xela, Lichens, Meg Baird and Stephen Basho-Junghans.
Female Band
Heavily inspired by the bass music world (see her other alias, Machine Woman), this geographically ambiguous musician makes deep, immersive soundscapes from vocal and guitar loops punched through with bass drones. She’s played with Novella, Shinies, Flamingods, U.S. Girls, Dignan Porch and tons of others. Her first EP “Goodbye New York Forever” came out on Italian Beach Babe Records in 2012, followed recently by a tape on the Haus Of Pins label.
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